To make the Flats we first made a wooden frame, we did this by first measuring and cutting the wood. We then drilled holes in the wood and screwed the wooden frame together. Next we skinned the frame, we did this by putting glue on the wooden frame and placing a big thin piece of wood which is cut to size over the frame. We lined up one corner and then used the nail gun to secure it. We lined the rest of the edges up and used the nail gun to nail it to the structure.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Making the flats
To make the Flats we first made a wooden frame, we did this by first measuring and cutting the wood. We then drilled holes in the wood and screwed the wooden frame together. Next we skinned the frame, we did this by putting glue on the wooden frame and placing a big thin piece of wood which is cut to size over the frame. We lined up one corner and then used the nail gun to secure it. We lined the rest of the edges up and used the nail gun to nail it to the structure.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Inspiration - Silent Hill

The inspiration for Gregors bedroom, especially the walls was the film and game silent hill. The walls in these pictures are very dirty, mouldy and look disgusting. They make the whole room seem even more terrifying than it already is. We want the walls in Gregors room to have the same effect. Also in this picture of the door, altho there are no scary deformed creatures in this picture, the door is very scary as you don't know whats behind it. The chains going across the door and the fact that its in a closed in corner makes it more terrifying. We want to get this effect with the living room doors leading to Gregors bedroom. The living room will be a normal family room but there will be something creepy about the bedroom doors to show that something horrifying is behind them. We will achieve this effect by having mould from Gregors room seeping trough the walls around the doors. We will also have the furniture facing away from the doors as the family are trying to forget what is behind them.
Image references
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
living room - most the lighting will come from the wall lights with a little light coming in through the window which glass will be slightly frosted and dirty on the outside.
Gregor's room - the light will only come in through the window but the window is going to be very dirty so this may restrict some light, also there may be a slight shade of green in the light coming from the dirt on the window.
Gregor's room - the light will only come in through the window but the window is going to be very dirty so this may restrict some light, also there may be a slight shade of green in the light coming from the dirt on the window.
Colour pallet
Living room - washed out color skeam, with pinks, peaches and other similar colours that have been washed out over the years.
Gregor's room - dark earthy colors such as greens and browns.
Gregor's room - dark earthy colors such as greens and browns.
Measurements - flats

Here are the measurements for the flats. Also a little diagram to show which measurement is to which flat.
A = 2@4'
B = 1'6" , 2'6"(H), 2@4
F = 2' (H), 2'(F), 2@4', 2'
C = 2', 2'6"(H), 2@4', 3'6"
D = 2@3' , 2', 2@2' (H) ,2@2' (F)
E = 2@2' , 2@4' , 2@1' , Fireplace wall
G = 4@3'6", 2@5'(H)
H= header, F= footer
amount of each
4' = 10
3'6" = 5
3' = 2
2'= 5
1'6" = 1
1 = 2
5' = 2
2'6 = 1
2' = 3
2' = 3
Model of set
Here is a picture of the set model we made and the model of the bed I made for it. We did this so that we could get an idea of the size of the room and furniture, also so that we could arrange the furniture in the room and see how it all looks and make sure everything is to scale. Through this task we realized that the rooms where to small to fit all the furniture in so we have increased the sizes of both rooms.
Pet Semetary clip of house
Here is a video clip of the house from Pet sematary. I love the whole look of the house with all the mold, dirt, distressed and wonky furniture and I think this kind of look would work really well in Gregors room. I also think the smoke effect looks really good to and gives it a scary feel, I think the smoky effect could look really good if we did it in Gregors room when doing the photo shoot.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Here is a version of a set for the metamorphosis story. The room is very dark with only light coming in trough the window. This creates shadows from the curtains and actors which gives a creepy feel to it. It would be good if we could have lighting like this on our set. I also like the way the room is on its side, this gives the sense that something is not quite right just like the situation with Gregor is a odd situation.
Image Reference

I like the walls in this picture; they look old and dirty with scratches and bug like marks up the wall. It would be good if we could get a similar effect on Gregors bedroom walls to make it look like a bug like creature lives there.
Image reference
Monday, 4 April 2011
Wood Worm

Here are some pictures I found of wood which has been effected by wood worm. Seeing as the furniture in Gregors room isnt beening looked after and over time is starting to maybe rot ect .. I tought we could make some of the wood look like it has been effected by wood worm plus this would slightly hint that there is something bug like living in the room. Also the last picture is a photo of wood which has been marked by some kind of beetle this may also help to give us some ideas when marking the wood in Gregors bedroom.
Image references
Final bed design
This is my final bed design. We have decided to not make it a four poster bed seeing as we think this would be to expensive for the family. In the story it mentions Gregor holding onto the bed post but this doesn't necessary mean its a four poster bed so i have just added very small posts onto the bed. I will distress the bed, make it look a bit old and worn down, with some scratches on it and also maybe have one of the legs broken like it had been eaten or started to decay due to e.g wood worm.
Width - 3ft
Length - 5 1/2ft
Hight off floor - 1/2ft
Foot post height - 1ft
Head board height- 3ft
bed mattress thickness - 1/2ft
Bed designs
We decided the second design was to obvious and only wanted slight hints in the furniture that it was a dung beetle so I combined both designs and come us with this design. I have taken the design of the foot and head board form my second design and incorporated it with the other design by adding the beetle style legs and posts. I think this design looks better as it only has slight hints of the beetle.
Bed designs
Here are some designs I have come up with for the bed. I have tried to give an art nouveau style to them with the curvature and floral shape to them. I have also taken some elements from the dung beetle and tried to incorporate this into my first design. I have used the shape of the beetle for the head board and the shape of the beetles legs for the bed posts and feet.
The props we have decided to have in each room are as follows
Living room
Clock and Mirror
Coat hook/ coat stand
Fire set
Cutlery and plates
Old books Stacked
Folded Newspaper
Fruit Bowl
Red Apples
Candles and holders
Fire Guard
Umbrella stand
Bucket of Coal
Jug for water?
Bed Sheets
Dust Balls
Train Time table
Alarm Clock
Picture of Lady
Torn Newspaper
Tray of Pristine food
Matted Hair
Moth eaten suit on back of door
old Broken watch
Living room
Clock and Mirror
Coat hook/ coat stand
Fire set
Cutlery and plates
Old books Stacked
Folded Newspaper
Fruit Bowl
Red Apples
Candles and holders
Fire Guard
Umbrella stand
Bucket of Coal
Jug for water?
Bed Sheets
Dust Balls
Train Time table
Alarm Clock
Picture of Lady
Torn Newspaper
Tray of Pristine food
Matted Hair
Moth eaten suit on back of door
old Broken watch
My house is over 100 years old, altho its not in Czech Republic some of its features may be similar from that time period. For example the door frames and windows could have had similar features. The floor boards are quite worn so will give us ideas on the look of the floor boards in the rooms we are designing. I also took pictures of some of the furniture in my house, some of the furniture is old and some is new but they have a sort of art nouveau style to them, with the curves in the table and bed legs and the patterns on the cabinet and table legs.
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